Type | Rating | Lobby Name | Location | Server | Status |
Rank | Elo | Country | Name | Games | Wins | Drops |
Rank | Rating | Name | Games | Streak | Wins | Win % | Last Match (ended) |
Leaderboard | Rank | Rating | Highest Rating | Games | Streak | Longest Streak | Wins | Losses | Drops |
Apr 24, 2011 If we look at S and A tier civs, the civs that dominate the meta, we can see that being able to counter archer play is in and of itself a civ loss. While a limited archer line might still be excuseable to an extent, if and only if the Skirmishers are FU or near the point the lack of both lines in a mediocre fashion is horrid. If you prefer to use a Steam account. Steam Sign in. Sign in with your Steam Account (Note: some areas of the site may require an Xbox Live / Microsoft account.). (Image credit: Tom's Guide) The best Age of Empires II civilization for new players. At the risk of giving a non-answer, there is no 'best' civilization for new players, just as there is no 'best.
It is always great to see what people are able to do with data. Currently testing an API to share the data collected by aoe2.net for anyone to use with their projects.
Request a list of strings used by the API.
- Endpoint
- /api/strings
Request Parameters
- game (Required)
- Game (Age of Empires 2:HD=aoe2hd, Age of Empires 2:Definitive Edition=aoe2de)
- language (Optional, defaults to en)
- Language (en, de, el, es, es-MX, fr, hi, it, ja, ko, ms, nl, pt, ru, tr, vi, zh, zh-TW)
Example Request
Request the current leaderboards
- Endpoint
- /api/leaderboard
Request Parameters
- game (Required)
- Game (Age of Empires 2:Definitive Edition=aoe2de)
- leaderboard_id (Required)
- Leaderboard ID (Unranked=0, 1v1 Deathmatch=1, Team Deathmatch=2, 1v1 Random Map=3, Team Random Map=4)
- start (Required)
- Starting rank (Ignored if search, steam_id, or profile_id are defined)
- count (Required)
- Number of leaderboard entries to get (Must be 10000 or less))
- search (Optional)
- Name Search
- steam_id (Optional)
- steamID64 (ex: 76561199003184910)
- profile_id (Optional)
- Profile ID (ex: 459658)
Example Request
Request all open lobbies
- Endpoint
- /api/lobbies
Request Parameters
- game (Optional, defaults to aoe2de)
- Game (Age of Empires 2:HD=aoe2hd, Age of Empires 2:Definitive Edition=aoe2de)
Example Request
Leaderboard | Rank | Rating | Highest Rating | Games | Streak | Longest Streak | Wins | Losses | Drops |
Apr 24, 2011 If we look at S and A tier civs, the civs that dominate the meta, we can see that being able to counter archer play is in and of itself a civ loss. While a limited archer line might still be excuseable to an extent, if and only if the Skirmishers are FU or near the point the lack of both lines in a mediocre fashion is horrid. If you prefer to use a Steam account. Steam Sign in. Sign in with your Steam Account (Note: some areas of the site may require an Xbox Live / Microsoft account.). (Image credit: Tom's Guide) The best Age of Empires II civilization for new players. At the risk of giving a non-answer, there is no 'best' civilization for new players, just as there is no 'best.
It is always great to see what people are able to do with data. Currently testing an API to share the data collected by aoe2.net for anyone to use with their projects.
Request a list of strings used by the API.
- Endpoint
- /api/strings
Request Parameters
- game (Required)
- Game (Age of Empires 2:HD=aoe2hd, Age of Empires 2:Definitive Edition=aoe2de)
- language (Optional, defaults to en)
- Language (en, de, el, es, es-MX, fr, hi, it, ja, ko, ms, nl, pt, ru, tr, vi, zh, zh-TW)
Example Request
Request the current leaderboards
- Endpoint
- /api/leaderboard
Request Parameters
- game (Required)
- Game (Age of Empires 2:Definitive Edition=aoe2de)
- leaderboard_id (Required)
- Leaderboard ID (Unranked=0, 1v1 Deathmatch=1, Team Deathmatch=2, 1v1 Random Map=3, Team Random Map=4)
- start (Required)
- Starting rank (Ignored if search, steam_id, or profile_id are defined)
- count (Required)
- Number of leaderboard entries to get (Must be 10000 or less))
- search (Optional)
- Name Search
- steam_id (Optional)
- steamID64 (ex: 76561199003184910)
- profile_id (Optional)
- Profile ID (ex: 459658)
Example Request
Request all open lobbies
- Endpoint
- /api/lobbies
Request Parameters
- game (Optional, defaults to aoe2de)
- Game (Age of Empires 2:HD=aoe2hd, Age of Empires 2:Definitive Edition=aoe2de)
Example Request
Player Last Match
Request the last match the player started playing, this will be the current match if they are still in game
- Endpoint
- /api/player/lastmatch
Request Parameters
- game (Required)
- Game (Age of Empires 2:Definitive Edition=aoe2de)
- steam_id (steam_id or profile_id required)
- steamID64 (ex: 76561199003184910)
- profile_id (steam_id or profile_id required)
- Profile ID (ex: 459658)
Example Request
Player Match History
Request the match history for a player
- Endpoint
- /api/player/matches
Request Parameters
- game (Required)
- Game (Age of Empires 2:Definitive Edition=aoe2de)
- start (Required)
- Starting match (0 is the most recent match)
- count (Required)
- Number of matches to get (Must be 1000 or less))
- steam_id (steam_id or profile_id required)
- steamID64 (ex: 76561199003184910)
- profile_id (steam_id or profile_id required)
- Profile ID (ex: 459658)
- steam_ids (steam_id or profile_id required)
- steamID64 (ex: 76561199003184910,76561198449406083)
- profile_ids (steam_id or profile_id required)
- Profile ID (ex: 459658,199325)
Example Request
Player Rating History
Request the rating history for a player
- Endpoint
- /api/player/ratinghistory
Request Parameters
- game (Required)
- Game (Age of Empires 2:Definitive Edition=aoe2de)
- leaderboard_id (Required)
- Leaderboard ID (Unranked=0, 1v1 Deathmatch=1, Team Deathmatch=2, 1v1 Random Map=3, Team Random Map=4)
- start (Required)
- Starting match (0 is the most recent match)
- count (Required)
- Number of matches to get (Must be 10000 or less))
- steam_id (steam_id or profile_id required)
- steamID64 (ex: 76561199003184910)
- profile_id (steam_id or profile_id required)
- Profile ID (ex: 459658)
Example Request
Request the rating history for a player
- Endpoint
- /api/matches
Tier List Lol
Request Parameters
- game
- Game (Age of Empires 2:Definitive Edition=aoe2de)
- count (Required)
- Number of matches to get (Must be 1000 or less))
- since (Optional)
- Only show matches starting after timestamp (epoch)
Example Request
Request matches
- Endpoint
- /api/match
Request Parameters
- game (Required)
- Game (Age of Empires 2:Definitive Edition=aoe2de)
- uuid (uuid or match_id Required)
- Match UUID
- match_id (uuid or match_id Required)
- Match ID
Example Request
Number of Players Online
Number of players in game and an estimate of the number current playing multiplayer
- Endpoint
- /api/stats/players
Request Parameters
- game (Required)
- Game (Age of Empires 2:HD=aoe2hd, Age of Empires 2:Definitive Edition=aoe2de)
Example Request
Request rank details about a player
Request Parameters
- game (Optional, defaults to aoe2de)
- Game (Age of Empires 2:Definitive Edition=aoe2de)
- leaderboard_id (Optional, defaults to 3)
- Leaderboard ID (Unranked=0, 1v1 Deathmatch=1, Team Deathmatch=2, 1v1 Random Map=3, Team Random Map=4)
- language (Optional, defaults to en) - not fully translated
- Language (en, de, el, es, es-MX, fr, hi, it, ja, ko, ms, nl, pt, ru, tr, vi, zh, zh-TW)
- flag (Optional, defaults to true)
- Show player flag
- search (search, steam_id or profile_id required)
- Name Search, returns the highest rated player
- steam_id (search, steam_id or profile_id required)
- steamID64 (ex: 76561199003184910)
- profile_id (search, steam_id or profile_id required)
- Profile ID (ex: 459658)
Example Command
Example Responses
Request rank details about a players most recent opponent (1v1 only)
Request Parameters
- game (Optional, defaults to aoe2de)
- Game (Age of Empires 2:Definitive Edition=aoe2de)
- leaderboard_id (Optional, defaults to 3)
- Leaderboard ID is used when search is defined, will find the highest rated player matching the search term (Unranked=0, 1v1 Deathmatch=1, Team Deathmatch=2, 1v1 Random Map=3, Team Random Map=4)
- language (Optional, defaults to en) - not fully translated
- Language (en, de, el, es, es-MX, fr, hi, it, ja, ko, ms, nl, pt, ru, tr, vi, zh, zh-TW)
- flag (Optional, defaults to true)
- Show player flag
- search (search, steam_id or profile_id required)
- Name Search, returns the highest rated player
- steam_id (steam_id or profile_id required)
- steamID64 (ex: 76561199003184910)
- profile_id (steam_id or profile_id required)
- Profile ID (ex: 459658)
Example Command
Example Responses
Request details about the current or last match
Request Parameters
- game (Optional, defaults to aoe2de)
- Game (Age of Empires 2:Definitive Edition=aoe2de)
- leaderboard_id (Optional, defaults to 3)
- Leaderboard ID is used when search is defined, will find the highest rated player matching the search term (Unranked=0, 1v1 Deathmatch=1, Team Deathmatch=2, 1v1 Random Map=3, Team Random Map=4)
- language (Optional, defaults to en) - not fully translated
- Language (en, de, el, es, es-MX, fr, hi, it, ja, ko, ms, nl, pt, ru, tr, vi, zh, zh-TW)
- color (Optional, defaults to true)
- Show player colors
- flag (Optional, defaults to false)
- Show player flag
- search (search, steam_id or profile_id required)
- Name Search, returns the highest rated player
- steam_id (steam_id or profile_id required)
- steamID64 (ex: 76561199003184910)
- profile_id (steam_id or profile_id required)
- Profile ID (ex: 459658)
Example Command
Aoe2 Civ Tier List Maker
Example Responses
Request civs from the current or last match
Request Parameters
- game (Optional, defaults to aoe2de)
- Game (Age of Empires 2:Definitive Edition=aoe2de)
- leaderboard_id (Optional, defaults to 3)
- Leaderboard ID is used when search is defined, will find the highest rated player matching the search term (Unranked=0, 1v1 Deathmatch=1, Team Deathmatch=2, 1v1 Random Map=3, Team Random Map=4)
- language (Optional, defaults to en) - not fully translated
- Language (en, de, el, es, es-MX, fr, hi, it, ja, ko, ms, nl, pt, ru, tr, vi, zh, zh-TW)
- search (search, steam_id or profile_id required)
- Name Search, returns the highest rated player
- steam_id (steam_id or profile_id required)
- steamID64 (ex: 76561199003184910)
- profile_id (steam_id or profile_id required)
- Profile ID (ex: 459658)
Example Command
Aoe2 Civ Tier List Civ 6
Example Responses
Request the current map name
Request Parameters
- game (Optional, defaults to aoe2de)
- Game (Age of Empires 2:Definitive Edition=aoe2de)
- leaderboard_id (Optional, defaults to 3)
- Leaderboard ID is used when search is defined, will find the highest rated player matching the search term (Unranked=0, 1v1 Deathmatch=1, Team Deathmatch=2, 1v1 Random Map=3, Team Random Map=4)
- language (Optional, defaults to en) - not fully translated
- Language (en, de, el, es, es-MX, fr, hi, it, ja, ko, ms, nl, pt, ru, tr, vi, zh, zh-TW)
- search (search, steam_id or profile_id required)
- Name Search, returns the highest rated player
- steam_id (steam_id or profile_id required)
- steamID64 (ex: 76561199003184910)
- profile_id (steam_id or profile_id required)
- Profile ID (ex: 459658)